Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cinema Verite

As many of you know, I am retired. I am retired from a life of working as a government puppet and a slave to wages. Money is worthless anyway, and the instruments of currency are known by all to be falsehoods. My retirement has been a bountiful one, because I have the true knowledge that making money to spend it only keeps down mankind and lets the government destroy our ability.

I live in a world after employment, where there is no money and there is no work. If we work, our hands do the work of devils. We are jackals pillaging the coffers of our fellow men, for whom there is no retirement. They will never be able to retire unless they wake up, and I am watching the sands of time slip through the wasp waist of the hourglass, robbing men of their futures and women of their virginity.

In these unchaste times we can only struggle to document the coming end. Our fate is inevitable and the nonbelievers merely deny their destiny. Kismet will not wait for the average person to wake up, and by the time they do, their eternal sleep will already have come.

Be safe my brothers.

1 comment:

idiocracy said...

you hit the nail on the head here. Really made me think in the right way.