Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Lasagna

I love lasagna. I made this lasagna recipe today. It took me closer to three hours counting the prep time and even longer if you count purchasing all this stuff, but it was worth it. I made two trays and I'm going to drink a few liters of grape soda and eat as much lasagna as I can.

While I was cooking I looked out my window and saw a snake in my yard. Imagine that! A snake, in Maine. I'm not sure if there are poisonous snakes here, but I'm not taking any chances.

An old fisherman's trick that we used to use to repel snakes is to defecate in flower pots, and space them out evenly around the perimeter of the property. I've got a bunch of flower pots downstairs and this lasagna should be the very thing I need to fill them up.

I've got a business to protect.

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