Monday, June 30, 2008

Tyranny of the Minority

On April 2nd, 1792, Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1792. This act established the United States Mint. It also authorized the government to begin to stockpile precious metals ostensibly for pressing coins. This was all a clever ruse however, as it really allowed the government to devalue the currency and cheapen the wealth of all men. Through exercising their murder monopoly, the government was able to hoard all the pure metals and leave the false ones behind, killing those who dissented. Those killed for their dissent include Benedict Arnold, who died in 1801 after moving against the one world government. He was poisoned with uric acid in a one world government plot to prevent him from restoring the true gold to the masses.

I have documented this truth more fully in a series of marble composition notebooks that I keep in my hamper. Periodically I will reveal more as my research compromises the great secrets of the Illuminati. For now I fear that I have already said too much.

Life in the basement is a simple existence. I have but a bucket of excrement as my only pal, and he has gained weight appreciably since his introduction to the pantry. This is the key to an environment where the best work can be done with the greatest ease. Readers, you have not lived until you live off of only hot dogs in an oubliette of your own devise.

I'm a genius, and as pure as the gold restoration ideals for which we toil.


the Pope said...

...and seekest thou great things for thyself?
Seek them not … (Jeremiah 45,5)

fish&loafs said...

I'm not sure what you're going for here "the pope". If you're actually the pope I am honored to have you amongst the readership.