The lizardmen are organized in a patriarchal society. Each band of lizardmen is lead by an alpha male who makes them submit to his whims with violence. The use of force is the only law that the lizardmen know. The individual bands are united by regional warlords whose ruthless brutality subjugates all the bands. And yet the multitudinous warlords work in concert, under the scaly thumb of the supreme king of the lizardmen. The most exalted high king of the lizardmen is truly the worst of them all.
He rules America from his foul nest in an earthen mound. He has taken all the powers from the Americans, if they even can still be called Americans. Today's American shames the notion of what it is to be an American. The modern American is a puppet of the lizardmen, who pander to his capricious nature while exploiting his inability to see the bigger picture.
It cannot be disputed that man exists to kill man. Man has done so from the earliest days. Think back reader, to a time when there were many fewer men. Is there any doubt in your mind that in that prehistoric time, when the first man came across another man, that he slew him where he stood? Of course not.
And this is man's twofold purpose: idolatry and killing.
But nowhere did God say to man to be enslaved by the lizardman. And so I say, tell a friend to tell a friend about the lizardmen, and their society, and their foul, slithering king.
Barack Obama is a lizardman. He is the worst lizardman of all because he dominates not only with shockingly violent force but also with skulduggery . Barack Obama, the lizardman, dares not to show his true form to the American people and the people of the world, but instead comes as a Black, giving false hope to the downtrodden and racially oppressed. He hates grenadine and the mere sight of it drives him to lie in a specially-built teak bassinet where he coos and whimpers like an infantile retard.
Drive him back.
2 oz. Dark Rum
2 oz. Orange Juice
2 oz. Pineapple Juice
1/2 oz. Lime Juice
Dash Grenadine
Orange Slice & Cherry for garnish